ashaineJul 10, 20192 min readlong-term care: don't be caught unprepared! As the United States’ population ages, the issue of how to pay for long term care for our seniors is a crisis for many individuals and...
ashaineJun 1, 20191 min readProtect your child's identity! It may surprise you to learn that more than 1,000,000 children's identities are stolen each year. The June issue of Parenting NH...
ashaineMar 22, 20191 min readTHE IRS ISN’T CALLING YOU!That’s not the way they contact people. If you are going to hear from them, it is almost certainly by letter. It’s tax season again. The...
ashaineMar 2, 20192 min readAARP Announces scamsAARP recently announced several alerts about current scams arising often. The first relates to Social Security. AARP reports an...
ashaineMar 2, 20191 min readHere a blog, there a blogWhile considering what to blog about, I thought perhaps I would share some of the blogs that I find particularly interesting and why:...
ashaineOct 20, 20182 min readAging in D.C. Legal InstituteRecently, I attended the D.C. Bar’s inaugural Aging in D.C. Legal Institute to supplement the education of lawyers about issues affecting...